This last one here is my favourite child. I think all the other ones could get a wee bit crazier still. So I think I will make it into a painting. It's funny cos I'm supposedly a painting and print major but I kind of hate painting. It's high class boring shit. I get the same pleasure from flossing my teeth.
"sometimes i just feel so lazy...i go and make a salad." yet again philou, your boredom spawns magical creations. try real laziness some day...you wouldn't even be able to handle.
que bien! me gusta tu blog. mucha cultura! Yeh, I am in BA and it is raining :( pero, it is cool-as. Very different to glasgoo, where in the world are yees? new yoik. Also did u mention you had a friend going to BA?
these rule
thanks greyory
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