I've got a new obsession! I bought a sewing machine on a impulse surfing the internet one very late night, and now I'm completely in love with it!! This very well explains the paintings that I have not finished, the library books returned unread, etc. Oh whatevs, it's so amazing; and it's kind of therapeutic, if you ignore the obsession part.
It all started after I got back from Glasgow and looked into my closet. Holy fuck I've forgotten how much clothes I own, I thought. In Scotland, my wardrobe was two white tshirts and jeans. Borrring. It was like a cartoon character uniform.
And there they were, loads of old t-shirts that I haven't worn since high school. Now, I am a very sensitive and caring person, even to my clothes. When old t-shirts are not worn for a while, they get melancholy and upset, and develop a devastating abandonment issues. I felt really bad about being such a horrible clothing owner, but I really didn't want to wear that Bright Eyes shirt again.
Then, I had a wonderful idea! Why not cut up the shirts and sew them together into a new shirt, like a collage (other obsession). Or better yet, I had so much that I could make t-shirt dresses! And that was how I decided that my life depended on the purchase of a sewing machine.
With it, I've made 2 dresses...

Had a fun photo shoot today with an alien girl from outer space!!!
And now some inspiring people with killer style:STUART McKIRDY

I saw this guy's stuff at the Glasgow School of Art degree show, and I was completely floored! It was just oh my gosh too cool. I wanted to wear everything he made. He also had this really awesome video in his display with an kickass electro soundtrack. See it on his site here.
(In case you were wondering what he looks like)Another German designer. He's a member of a group of innovative fashion designers known as the Antwerp Six. His
website is really cool and it's got tons of pictures from his past collections. You could really see his style getting crazier as the years go.
Winter 07/08

Winter 05/06

Winter 06/07
