Sunday, July 27, 2008

New York Art Fix

Last Tuesday, I took my brother out to some galleries in the city to blow his tiny child mind. Here are some highlights:

Drawing on Film @ The Drawing Center

Artists in this exhibit made films by scratching, drawing, painting directly on the film strips. The film strips were something like 24 frames per second, so 24 drawing/paintings per second!! Dang. It was really cool and psychedelic watching little shapes wiggle around. After a while though you get real dizzy cos it's like staring at a strobe light. Here is a 10 second clip I took. Drawing Center, please don't sue me.

Interactivos? @ Eyebeam Art and Techonology Center

We accidentally went into this place and it turned out to be Super Cool!! It's like a lab where artists combine technology and art resulting in some very clever things. One of which (I forgot to take a picture of) was a Wii-chime, a windchime made with several Wii sticks. We couldn't figure out how to work it but the idea was funny.

This was an unReality station to create a collage with a TV station as the backdrop, and you could add stuff on top by placing cut-outs on the monitor which is then projected onto the big screen. There's a video camera hanging from the ceiling so you could press record and playback.

A camera projected onto a screen that combines images taken over a short time period into one picture.

For this one, you stand in front of a screen and use little post-it notes to select accessories that you want to attach to yourself.

Jimmy Joe Roche @ Rare Gallery

I think this one was definitely my favourite. Giants paper cut-outs are woven into design reminiscent of Rorschach ink-blots. Can you believe it's only paper??!

We rounded out the day with a stop by the Black Kids' set at Virgin Megastore. My brother stood there with his arms crossed, looking like a real cool thirteen year old, while I rocked myself silly.

Yes, you are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl.
And no, I will not teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nic Nacs and Cadillacs

Here are some delightful pics off of my cellphone from the ArtCar extravaganza that I attended last night. If only there were one of me doing a little jig while holding a sign on the street corner showing these nutty car-freaks where to go. Alas, these will have to do. This is an event that happens once a year in Minneapolis during the summer, people get together to parade their furtrimmed-papermachéd-hotgluegunned-spraypainted rides while the rest of us "oooh" and "ahhhh", from the sidewalk. The coach one was my fav, partially because the two guys that rolled in on it where being pushed by a hoard of children while they munched on a giant box of old dutch potatoe crisps, but also because it cuts back on fossil fuels.

Download: Dancey Pants Vol. 1

Unwad your knickers (if your knickers are in a wad)! Because here is volume 1 of the Dancey Pants dance mixxxes, music to dance in your knickers to, compiled by Philou.

Here is the tracklist. In addition, I have, in italics, provided some unnecessary comments to give you a visualization of this mix. In case you needed some convincing to download it, you know.

1. Free Blood - Never Hear Surf Music Again
Bee, remember we saw them open for Holy Fuck at Stereo?? Girl and guy with microphones writhing on stage? Bloody brilliant! The guy in it is also in the band !!!.
2. Mystery Jets - Young Love (Shoes Mix)
Sounds know when you're riding the subway or tube or metro, and your car pulls into a station as you spot the most beautiful boy/girl and you suffer a coup de foudre for that 1/16 of a second, until you realize that your car is speeding past them and you'll never see that lovely thing again? Yeah life suxxx.
3. Prince - Kiss (Daft Punk Remix)
4. A crazy mash-up song!!.....Bonde do Role vs. New Order vs. Spank Rock
5. Peaches - Set It Off (DJ Assault Booty Mix)
6. Zongamin - Bongo Song
Sounds like...if coconuts could dance (not that they can't), and they had a crazy dance party (not that they don't), this song would be playing!
7. MGMT - Electric Feel (Justice Remix)
8. Black Kids - Look At Me (When I Rock Wichoo)
9. Cheeky Cheeky and the Nosebleeds - Fascinating
10. Girl Talk - Let Me See You
11. Death From Above 1979 - Sexy Results (MSTRKRFT Remix)
Sounds are an intern at a magazine, let's call this magazine "Amazing Crap." You come to work one day and your boss, middle-age dude with wife and kids, is sprawled on his desk wearing his best sweater vest. This song is playing. He's seducing you. What do you do??!! (Based on a true story.)
12. David Bowie - Let's Spend The Night Together
13. Iggy Pop - The Passenger
14. Crystal Castles - Black Panther


Sunday, July 13, 2008

New York Graffiti

I took these pictures in Soho the week after I came back from Glasgow. Makes me wanna screenprint!! :'(

Update (7/20)
cool street art blogs that update more often than me:
Wooster Collective!
Streetsy: Daily Street Art Photos!
Graffiti Research Lab: Fusing Technology with Street Art!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Interesting Reads

This book of short stories by Miranda July (creator of Me and You and Everyone We Know) came out about a year ago, but just founds its way from the library to me last week. If anyone is unfamiliar with July, here is another link to a website she created with fellow artist Harrell Fletcher that I think is very important.

Bicycle Film Festival

This event already came and went in New York, but for any Minneapolis bicycle enthusiasts who might be interested in some kick ass bike films and what not this event is starting this evening, and continuing through the weekend. I'm pumped.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Download: Black Kids

Black Kids - Partie Traumatic (2008)

Not the best album ever, but that one song is infectious:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Skollages Vol. 1

Skollages=skate collages. I took some free postcards and made collages on them with cut-outs from skateboarding magazines, shopping catalogues and old National Geographics. More to come?? I think these would probably look cool as future screen prints.