Drawing on Film @ The Drawing Center
Artists in this exhibit made films by scratching, drawing, painting directly on the film strips. The film strips were something like 24 frames per second, so 24 drawing/paintings per second!! Dang. It was really cool and psychedelic watching little shapes wiggle around. After a while though you get real dizzy cos it's like staring at a strobe light. Here is a 10 second clip I took. Drawing Center, please don't sue me.
Interactivos? @ Eyebeam Art and Techonology Center
We accidentally went into this place and it turned out to be Super Cool!! It's like a lab where artists combine technology and art resulting in some very clever things. One of which (I forgot to take a picture of) was a Wii-chime, a windchime made with several Wii sticks. We couldn't figure out how to work it but the idea was funny.
This was an unReality station to create a collage with a TV station as the backdrop, and you could add stuff on top by placing cut-outs on the monitor which is then projected onto the big screen. There's a video camera hanging from the ceiling so you could press record and playback.
A camera projected onto a screen that combines images taken over a short time period into one picture.
For this one, you stand in front of a screen and use little post-it notes to select accessories that you want to attach to yourself.
Jimmy Joe Roche @ Rare Gallery
I think this one was definitely my favourite. Giants paper cut-outs are woven into design reminiscent of Rorschach ink-blots. Can you believe it's only paper??!
We rounded out the day with a stop by the Black Kids' set at Virgin Megastore. My brother stood there with his arms crossed, looking like a real cool thirteen year old, while I rocked myself silly.
Yes, you are the girl that I've been dreaming of ever since I was a little girl.
And no, I will not teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.
And no, I will not teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.